Organisations have just entered a war – but it isn’t the war that they’re used to fighting, you know the one where competitors battle it out with each other to gain advantage with customers.
This war is a war for talent – it is a battle to gain ground and competitive advantage, even survival, by ensuring that the employees (troops) a company has are the “best of the best” and can deliver the levels of service and support that a company can continue to grow their revenues and improve their profitability.
All professional recruiters are now familiar with the myriad of problems caused by Covid 19, and the disruption for everybody.
Know before you appoint new people. The one questionnaire provides vital insight into Culture Fit, Personality, Mental Resilience, and Remote Work Suitability.
If you are not assessing for culture fit, you don’t know what you are getting. You are missing a great deal of important data, rarely assessed until now with Culture Shaper tools.
Once you have an applicant details that generally suit to job, ask them to do our questionnaire.
Imagine this – a candidate you have never met could come to your office and give you their resume. If they meet your basic selection criteria, ask them to complete the online questionnaire- takes less than 20 minutes – and you will know critical personality, culture fit, mental resilience, and suitability for remote working. Possible problem areas and mis-matches are highlighted to interview and explore role fit. Be confident you appoint the right people! You do not have to wait and let a good candidate escape.
Compress the recruitment and decision-making cycle – don’t be too slooow.
Five Secrets To The Simple Fix
- Attraction. Using our culture framework, recruiters can better describe the role requirements, aligned in ways to appeal to the best fit candidates
- Caring. Simply by asking the candidate to complete the Culture Shaper questionnaire regarding their attitudes, beliefs, and values, show them that you are a conscientious employer seeking to provide a good/enjoyable and satisfying work environment. Shows you care about culture and employee satisfaction.
- As soon as the candidate completes the online questionnaire Culture Shaper provides the recruiter with a wealth of new information to make better decisions immediately. Don’t let good candidates escape through an unnecessarily lengthy recruitment process.
- Better candidate experience. By drawing from the information provided by Culture Shaper the interview is comprehensively personalised to truly exploring culture fit and candidate preferences, prior to job offer. Culture Shaper highlights possible areas of mismatch, which protects the candidate as well as the organisation.
- Preferred employer. By demonstrating interest in the candidates’ personal preferences, you show that you want them to suit working with you. Obtain the candidates vital information before the interview. The candidate forms a good opinion of you as the employer of choice. Standard interviews are no longer an answer to attracting the people wanted. Don’t miss out on the best fit talent.
Recruiters have to work harder to attract the right candidate. Appointing poor fit candidates because of scarcity is very much a short-term strategy. In many ways the candidate in now in the driving seat. Once basic terms and conditions are met, a candidate is thinking about “do I want to work here”
- One easy questionnaire to ask candidates. Their answers will provide a recruiter with comprehensive insight to the candidate attitudes, beliefs and values.
- Their answers are mapped against appropriate psychometric norms to reveal what they are likely to bring to the table. In particular, are they likely to fit the culture where they will be working?
- Immediately identify a great candidate – as well as a likely poor role fit!
If You Are Not Assessing Culture Fit You Are Not Recruiting The Best You Can
- Provides recruiters with a standardised framework to determine what is the culture needed for the role
- Matches candidates to the culture needed
- Shows candidate fit for culture, personality and remote worker suitability
- Rates and ranks all candidates
Culture Shaper can simply be added to your existing recruiting process
Scalable culture recruitment tools for large organisations, SME’s, and Government Agencies.
CULTURE FRAMEWORK AND TOOLS PROVIDED. Understandable, measurable, easy to use, everyone becomes familiar with terminology.
Attract best candidates. Retain more candidates beyond probation. Guide on-boarders on what is expected in the role. Develop Role Models for future use. Create greater engagement and retention, workplace satisfaction and productivity.
New tools and techniques get the best job fit, including culture fit, possible. Comprehensive – Up to 59 culture and personality components matched to the role.

- Culture Shaper is non-disruptive – use alongside or in conjunction with whatever else you may currently be doing or have planned. Or use Culture Shaper tools as an ideal starting point.
- CULTURE FRAMEWORK AND TOOLS PROVIDED. Understandable, measurable, easy to use, immediate online reporting, very affordable. In fact you cannot afford not to have it!
- Can also be used for existing employees to ascertain role match and develop the employee and the organisation.
You obtain:
• A Role Description for Culture and Personality
• Culture Fit Reports – Summary and Detail
• Personality Fit Report
• Remote Workers Suitability report
• Mental Resilience report
• Rating and Ranking of job candidates
• Analytics data and reports
More and more HR and Corporate “thought leaders” are recognising the importance of organisational culture in delivering improved bottom line outcomes. It is no longer a case of a cohesive organisational culture being a “nice to have” – it is now, clearly, an “essential”!
- Accordingto Josh Bersin (Principal and Founder, Bersin by Deloitte), data proves that culture, values, and career are the biggest drivers of employment brand. In a survey involving more than 6,000 companies and 2.2 million employees the response to the question, “Would you recommend your company as a place to work?” as a NetPromoter question from all these employees, by far the biggest work factor related to employment brand is “Culture and values.”
- HRDive.com estimates replacement people costs at a minimum of 33% of annual salary – with more senior and specialised roles costing even more.
- Drake International states that, “87% of job failures occur because the person did not suit the organisational culture, rather than limitations in their skills or experience.”
- Dave Ulrich (International HR expert) says, “An organisation’s capabilities (culture, workplace) have four times more impact on business results than individual competencies (talent, workforce).”
- Kate Nielsen (HR Magazine) says, “Staff who shape their own jobs help companies navigate uncertainty……..job crafting – where employees redesign their roles to align with their motives, values and interests – has been proven to help individuals feel higher levels of job satisfaction, resilience and engagement.”
What are the mismatches in your present organisational culture costing you?
Starting with using Culture Shaper for your recruiting and selection is a very affordable way to improving the quality of your workforce and your workplace culture.