
Josh Bersin of Deloitte

Researcher Josh Bersin of Deloitte says “….employee engagement and retention are now the number 1 problems companies face. (3,200 respondents from over 100 countries)” and “…. that 87% of companies now rate “retention, engagement, and culture” as an important imperative and 50% rate it urgent“. Another amazing statistic from the same research says “95% of candidates believe that culture is more important than compensation.”

Mining Recruitment and Workforce Solutions Company

The candidate has made a significant contribution to the role and the organisation.
Being situated a significant distance from head office in Perth and with a different culture in the mining location, the candidate’s capability and accurate fit for the role has impressed senior management.

Large Independent Boy’s College

To ensure the candidate would fit the specific culture of the role within the college, Culture Profiler was used and the candidate has been an outstanding choice. The new employee has provided a new process of management and has generated positive support for the process amongst educational and executive personnel.

Large Transport Company recruiting an Accountant

It’s now been 6 months since we used the Cultural Profiler report to recruit for our Accountant role. During this time our selected candidate has proved herself to be a great cultural fit for both the wider organisation but more importantly the close knit accounts team. She’s responded well to the dynamic of this team and is helping us develop our day to day tasks into more structured process.
On using the Cultural Profiler to help recruit for this role I found it very easy to use and useful in helping to assist in identifying candidates who would have been less suited for the team. It also saved time in the interview process by helping eliminate the generic personality type questions. This enabled us to tailor our interview more around the cultural issues that we thought might arise during employment as well as allowing more time to focus on the candidate’s technical skills and expertise.